This tab contains the libraries, functions, pins, variables and instances needed for the normal operation of the basic firmware of the Dagor Controller. It is not recommended to change anything in this tab, but it is encouraged to add code if the user is doing something specific such as using the free-to-use GPIOs of the controller, setting up a communication protocol, or using a library.
Needed libraries. The firmware is powered by (SimpeFOC)[]; make sure to use the correct SimpleFOC version. If another library is needed it must be included here.
//SimpleFOC Version 2.0.1
#include <SimpleFOC.h>
#include <SPI.h>
Three phase driver (power stage)[] pin definition.
//#######_THREE PHASE DRIVER - DRV8305_########
// Datasheet:
#define enGate 2 //Chip Enable
#define nFault 4 //Fault reading
#define cs 5 //DRV8305 Chip-select
#define so1 36
#define so2 35
#define so3 34
bool faultTrig = false;
On-board magnetic sensor SPI chip select. The SimpleFOC library manages the SPI communication with the sensor.
//######_MAGNETIC SENSOR - AS5147_######
// Datasheet:
#define sensorCS 16 //AS5147 Chip-select
The temperature sensor has an analog signal 0 - 3.3V that is read with one of the 8 ESP32’s ADC channels from the ADC1 module.
//######_TEMPERATURE SENSOR - STLM20_######
// Datasheet:
#define vTemp 39
Another of the ESP32’s ADC channels from the ADC1 module used to read the voltage from the power source voltage monitor.
//######_Voltage Monitor_#######
#define vMonitor 33
Time management variables. If needed, add here a variable named something like “stateT2” to add another fixed rate function caller.
//#####_TIME MANAGEMENT_#####
unsigned long runTime, prevT = 0, timeDif, stateT;
int timeInterval = 1000, totalTempTime;
SimpleFOC motor, driver and sensor instances. Even though the on-board sensor has SPI and ABI connected, the SPI communication will be most commonly used to have absolute position of the motor’s rotor.
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(pp); //BLDCMotor instance
BLDCDriver3PWM driver = BLDCDriver3PWM(25, 26, 27); //3PWM Driver instance
MagneticSensorSPI sensor = MagneticSensorSPI(AS5147_SPI, sensorCS); //SPI Magnetic sensor instance
Commander command = Commander(Serial);
void onMotor(char* cmd){ command.motor(&motor, cmd); }
Declaration of functions that are used on the void setup, if a new function is added it has to be declared here, called on the void setup function (tab c) and added in the Setup functions tab (tab e).
//######_SETUP FUNCTIONS INIT_######
void SimpleFOCinit();
void drv_init();
Declaration of functions that are used on the void loop, if a new function is added it has to be declared here, called on the void loop (tab D) in either the main loop, the fixed rate caller or a new fixed rate caller, and added in the Loop functions tab (tab f).
//######_LOOP FUNCTIONS INIT_######
void timeManagement();
void tempStatus(bool debug = false);
void voltageMonitor(bool debug = false);
void rotorPosition();
void faultStatus();